Rare Stamps, Coins, and Collectibles


Online Auction Catalogues


NobleSpirit has developed a new state-of-the-art catalogue experience that merges the convenience of online commerce with the traditional brick-and-mortar auction house experience. Powered by our specially designed consignment software, Meridian, and exclusive to eBay, the catalogue experience offers complete 6-week lead times for specialized high value sale events.

For the first time ever, sellers will be able to build pre-scheduled auction catalogues on eBay.

Catalogue creation is available for NobleSpirit consignors and all active Meridian customers.


For Sellers:

The new catalogue experience incorporates a uniquely structured architecture that allows sellers to access lifetime customers. The catalogue provides:

  • Traditional 6 week lead times

  • Highly specialized market sectors

  • Full listing, marketing, and management capabilities for the full life cycle of the transaction.

Learn more about Meridian so you can incorporate pre-scheduled auction catalogues into your online business

For Buyers:

  • Discover, plan, and budget for buying decisions in advance

  • Never miss the high value items you’re looking for.
