NobleSpirit 2022 Year in Review
NobleSpirit VP, Michael Cortese, held a booth at the Great American Stamp Show in Sacramento, CA in August, 2022.
2022 was one of the most exciting years for growth within the hobby in recent times, invoking renewed interested, invigoration, and innovation throughout. A hobby united under one focus, to improve and adapt to shifting marketplaces and environments.
For NobleSpirit, it was our best year yet, with respect to growth, service, and advancement within the company. Our catalogue sales solidified themselves as an integral part of our future plans.
NobleSpirit VP, Michael Cortese, held a booth at the Boxboro Philatelic Show in April, 2022.
Michael Cortese was elected to the board of the American Philatelic Society as Director-At-Large with the intent to aid the hobby, and we welcomed Tor Bjork to our team as a consultant to help further our in-house expertise and bring in new ideas.
Both within the hobby and outside of it, visibility remains one of the largest battles to fight for those trying to sell material or spread a larger message eliciting support for their club or society.
In this global issue, eBay’s dominance remains unparalleled. Last year, NobleSpirit accrued 123 Million impressions, with over 2 Million page views. With just under 24,000 items sold, this results in 5,400 impressions and just under 100 unique page views per item, entirely on eBay.
These numbers seem impressive for the hobby, but when reiterated that these were the results of just one company, perfectly exemplify the impact internet marketplaces such as eBay have on philately. It's increasingly difficult to attend a club, auction or show venue without online marketplaces as the central topic of discussion.
While analytics can be interesting and a good cause for reflection, if you do not act on the data it is largely meaningless. That is why driving forward in 2023, our company's goals are to further increase the relevance and discussion around growing online marketplaces as the solution for an evolving hobby, as well as focus on expanding educational opportunities by providing similar events to that of the Bill Crowe event at the Spellman Museum this past December, and raise awareness of the responsibility internet dealers have to the hobby at large.
- Michael Cortese, NobleSpirit Vice President
Bill Crowe live expertizing event sponsored by NobleSpirit at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History in December, 2022.